Thursday, February 14, 2019

Local Newspapers

     A study from researchers at the University of North Carolina, “We have lost about 20 percent of local newspapers in the United States since 2004, and at least 900 communities now are without any local news source in that same time frame.”

     These days everyone seemingly acquires news from their own sources. Be it electronically on their phone, tablet or laptop or in traditional newsprint form.

     The loss of local newspapers nationwide due to decreasing circulation certainly indicates people no longer make time for "folded unstapled sheets of newsprint containing news, feature articles, advertisements, and correspondence." I just Googled that definition of a newspaper to see what children ten to twenty years from now might read when asked if they knew what a local newspaper was used for.


     1. Craig's List killed the want ads and eliminated a steady source of revenue for local papers.
     2. The end of afternoon papers displaced teenagers from working as newspaper delivery boys and girls. It


     Deliverying papers on a bicycle was always a hard job, everyday rain or shine. It's funny that the morning newspapers like the New York Times have always been delivered by people in cars tossing the paper onto customer's front lawns and doorsteps.