Tuesday, January 15, 2019

The Apathy of Aging

Writing thoughts in a blog is my way to resist apathy. I look backwards and try to remember what once was and give it a relevance to today's environment. I don't think I always hit the mark but by trying I at least stave off a lethargy I see in myself that didn't used to be present.

My new favorite web site is www.flipboard.com They call themselves a social-network aggregation, magazine-format mobile app localized in more than 20 languages. What a mouthful! I like the site because it scans the Internet for topics I selected as being interesting and offers suggestions based upon what I have read previously. Today they had an article on The Apathy of Aging and how to find the courage to resist it.

Inspiration... It hits you when you're not looking.

I use my new tool in Flipboard as a way to generate ideas for writing. Sometimes I just like the title of an article and it prompts me to write and other times it is the author's intent which moves me. In any event, I keep moving and that is what I am after. If in the process I accurately record a few moments for posterity then even better. I know all too well that once something is placed on the Internet it is recorded for all time. It's the greatest reference library of all time and one that will be mined for nuggets of wit and wisdom long after I am gone. Just thinking about that inspires me to continue looking for ideas I haven't commented upon. I might repeat myself and not even know it but at least it will be with my own original take on things. It takes courage to write, let along say what you believe. Courage is an unappreciated capability we all have to a degree, and one I find more compelling the older I grow, especially when I see it in others.