Wednesday, January 09, 2019

1969 Mets

While I'm no Met fan, I do like this photo from the 1969 World Series. It features the ultimate fan, Karl Erhardt, who crafted his own signs and kept fans in the stadium and on TV entertained. There is also an unnamed Met usher who personified the by-gone custom of showing fans to their seats and making sure each seat was given a quick swipe with a cloth. The first time I saw it done it left me speechless. I asked my father with a look what was going on? He simply nodded and said, "Welcome to the stadium!"

The 1969 Mets, if you ever see the recordings of the World Series, were physically inferior to the Baltimore Orioles. They didn't appear as if they belonged on the same field. Though five games later the Orioles had been dispatched and the Amazing Mets, as Casey Stengel called them, were World Champions.