Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Russell Baker 1925-2019


     While at college I continued the practice begun at a young age of reading the Sunday newspapers. The New York Times was always around as well as the Ridgewood News. We usually purchased The Bergen Record along with some donuts giving us the trio of northern New Jersey periodicals each Sunday morning. The Record had the comics section where Peanuts and Blondie prominently featured on the first page.

     In the early spring of 1982 I was ensconced one Sunday morning in the Dickinson College library  reading The NY Times Book Review and noticed that one of my favorite columnists, Russell Baker, had written a memoir, Growing Up. Being on good terms with the librarian I suggested that the library purchase the book. She dutifully noted it and told me they would let me know when it arrived.

     Some weeks later a hand written note in my mailbox confirmed that Growing Up had arrived. I hustled over and immediately checked it out. I recall it being both funny and poignant. Later when the soft cover version came out I purchased a copy. It still resides on a bookshelf in my mother's house in Florida. I'll probably grab next time I visit.