Friday, September 24, 2010

The Places You Go

I'm referring to places you go after graduating from high school. Some people travel the globe, while others are content to stay close to surroundings they know and love. Most people have no choice and end up somewhere else after graduation because their parents have emptied the nest and sold the house. It's hard to blame these parents as the lawn still needs to be cut, the leaves raked, and the sidewalks shoveled. Besides, they no longer have us close by to fret about to their friends, and sometimes directly to us.

The places I visited after graduation from RHS are easily categorized as being North American-centric. I took this path for 20 years and then settled back in northern NJ as a bachelor pursuing a new career as a network engineer. Shortly thereafter I met my wife and we moved into NYC. I consider my time away from my roots well spent but the return to my roots has provided me with more tangible and intangibles than my time spent away from the area I call home.

I suppose this is all entirely natural, and seems so to me. Enjoy the time in the places you go, and if you are lucky like me, revel in your return. Not a day goes by when I am not glad to be back, near to places I know, and to surroundings which helped make me the man I am today.

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