Saturday, March 20, 2010

Fallen Trees


     It doesn't make you a "tree hugger" in the pejorative sense to feel badly for what went on Ridgewood during the last huge storm. These trees in the picture I'm told on are Hillcrest Road down near the horse stables. I must have walked and rode my bicycle by them hundreds of times while growing up. While I am aware that most things in town are going to change, I always have held out the hope that the countless trees which shaded me, provided me with leaves to rake, and places to hide behind during games of Hide-And-Go-Seek would remain unchanged during my lifetime. They were huge before I knew of their magnificence so it seemed logical to my youthful self that they could endure this way for a long time. The recent storm popped the air from that childhood fantasy of an idea. Fortunately, there are still plenty of trees and the Village of Ridgewood still takes great pride in the care they provide them so nobody is to blame, it is just one of those things which occur and make us grateful for the huge oaks, maples, and elms we have remaining.

1 comment:

  1. I was so shocked to hear about this storm, the old trees are such a big part of the look and feel of the town.

