Thursday, June 05, 2008

Kasschau Memorial Shell

"Kasschau Memorial Shell-50 Years of Free Summer Entertainment Under the Stars"

This was the title of a post on the Ridgewood Blog.
It seems rather quaint to think we used to gather on Veteran's Field during the summer and sit in lawn chairs and on blankets to watch movies. They weren't even first run movies but we gathered all the same. Today we can watch movies on our laptops while flying at 30,000 feet in an airplane. Though it's not the same as you well know.

I remember seeing movies accompanied by my parents and brothers, and later while in high school by a young lady. It makes me smile just to think how much things have changed yet remain the same. The band concerts and performances that are still being held every summer would seem very familiar to someone living 100 years ago. Most towns had a band shell like Ridgewood does or at least a public square where these sort of events would occur. People 100 years ago I imagine would also have understood that public performances tend to make everyone feel less isolated from and threatened by their neighbors. They may not have stated it as such, but it is worth mentioning in an age where people entertain themselves in their homes much more than they did even a generation ago.

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