Friday, October 02, 2020

Wisdom Workers

      Try Googling "people at work" and you will mostly receive pictures of people working inside and office environment. I guess the search engines will all have to do some house cleaning with the trend being towards WFH (working from home) for the foreseeable future.

     I miss very little about offices and cubicles. During my younger years when I traveled extensively as a consultant, all I saw were offices and people none too happy to be working in them. Hopefully, our Covid travail will teach us a few things. One being the necessity to take people into account when designing workplaces. Another would be a thorough questioning for the need to be in one location during a set period of hours, the old 9 to 5. All I am really suggesting is flexibility in our attitudes as to what constitutes work.We all need to be Wisdom Workers because the term Knowledge Worker doesn't make sense any more. Anyone with a smart phone is carrying most all the knowledge they need. More important is an idea of how and when to apply it. That is what Wisdom Workers do for us.

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