Friday, May 22, 2020

John McCutcheon

 Principal John McCutcheon.

Julie Scala:
Sorry, I was never called to his office, but I do remember him as a man who liked to have a laugh...when my eldest brother was at Ridgewood High School, he always shared a practical joke with Mr. Mc.
Francesca Cavallaro Wall:
I loved him! He used to always say "Como estas?" to me and laugh!
Sue Kenyon:
I was dragged into his office by my Biology teacher after she caught me smoking in the bathroom. He was really cool and nice. Just told me not to smoke in the bathroom anymore, and let me go.
Bob Rahm:
Sent to his office by Herr Perkins, McC suugested I try to avoid irritating the guy.
Tim Daly:
At the football banquet Junior year he made a comment to my mother about a play that happened in the first game of the season. So over two months after that occurred he remembered the play, knew who my Mom was(she was NOT on the PTA for sure) and made a comment. It was a compliment, actually. He was all over the place with his tongue and not being able to stand still, but he was very sincere and really cared about all the students.

Jack Zerbe:
This guy was the "bad cop" of RHS, but, at heart, a really terrific man. Most students probably never saw him perform, but I will never forget him as "Deadeye Dick" in the annual "Jamboree" in the early 70s.

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