Friday, March 22, 2019

Best Part of Being a Kid

     When reflecting upon the best parts of being a kid the obvious ones like drinking water from a garden hose seem odd today. We certainly couldn't have survived outside during the summer without these hoses. It would have meant going inside someone's house and having to explain what we were up to or what we had planned. Most of the time our answers wouldn't have past muster as being useful or constructive so our activities were better left unmentioned. Besides we were making things up as we went along so even we didn't know exactly what we were doing. This was one of the benefits of growing up in an age with fewer options and less people trying to schedule you into activities.

     Yes, we drank water from garden hoses instead of carrying around individual plastic bottles.  Alternatives to this ancient source of quenching one's thirst included a thermos filled with Kool-aid everyone would share using disposable dixie cups. Other sources were the ubiquitous outdoor water fountains as well as indoor ones at schools and in public buildings.