Thursday, May 19, 2016


In Europe the people who give us the news on TV are called Newsreaders. 

In these United States, behind their backs the same people are sarcastically called
"The Talent." On both sides of the Atlantic Ocean, these are the folks entrusted by 
government regulatory agencies with the obligation to speak free from ambiguity or 
evasiveness on the public air waves.

Megyn Kelly is not a nitwit. So why is she playing nitwit games? 

Walter Cronkite, David Brinkley, and John Chancellor were voices from the 1960s and 
1970s, we grew to trust as we watched them "by appointment" each evening on the national
news. When compared to the bunch of average intellects propelled by their looks, 
in our more modern age, and advertised on urban buses as people to listen morning,
noon, and night, this is a travesty.

This works for no one. 
 "And that's the way it is."

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