Saturday, March 15, 2014

New "Golden Age" of TV

While there is very little I haven't seen in terms of classic television shows from the 50's, at least those which were saved, our new "Golden Age" is going to take me years to catch up on. Fortunately, it can be done without a trip to the Museum of Television and Radio in New York City. Though if you have never been it is worth the trip:

The list of television series which I haven't seen at all or caught up with is extensive. It would take weeks of binge viewing to see them all. It's not that I don't want to see them, only one has just so much time to invest in television before someone comes along and says time to go to work. In the old days it would have been, "time to go to bed."

Here's a partial list from the last twenty years of shows that I want to see at least one episode of:
1. X-Files
2. Freaks and Geeks
3. The West Wing
4. The Wire
5. Arrested Development
6. Lost
7. Breaking Bad
8. Game of Thrones
9. House of Cards
10. Walking Dead

I will compose a list of books that I want to read next.

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