The count down to the Oct 8-9 reunion is now 10 weeks away, and we have started to step it up. As we get closer, we will send more emails. Also keep checking what is new on the reunion web site (
· Ticket pricing: $99. Tickets to the Main Event at the DoubleTree Hotel on Sat night Oct 9 are $99 (if purchased by Sept 30 via the web site, $119 at the door (cash only)). Price includes: Dinner, open bar (for 2 hours), DJ, photographer, Wes Jenkins’ memory book. Tickets go on sale via the reunion web site in mid-August. Tickets to the Fri night Oct 8 event at the Elks Club will payable at the door. Cash bar. Price is still TBD, but will be modest.
· Map of your classmates. Check out this link, pretty amazing. Here is where all 578 of your classmates live (street addresses intentionally are not included). Click around, zoom in. See if there is a classmate near you. If you want to contact a classmate, contact Irene Nagy ( and she will be the go-between.
· Need Volunteers for Reunion Committees. We are putting together the following committees to prepare for and conduct the reunion weekend. We need volunteers. Pls email Irene ( if you are interested in participating on a committee.
1. Decoration Committee – In charge of decorations for Main Event on Sat night. Has a sizeable budget. Need 4 people.
2. Welcoming Committee – Check people in at Elks Club on Fri, and Main Event on Sat. Produce welcome packets. Need 3 people.
3. Event Committee – Brian Corcoran heads this group. In charge of all logistics for Main Event. Brian could use 1 more person.
4. Calling Campaign – As you may know, we are calling all classmates in August to remind, encourage, re-connect, and improve our contact database. 8 of you have already volunteered. Thank you. (See “Calling Campaign” below for update.)
· Memory Book. We are taking a different tack with the incredible ‘Memory Book” that Wes Jenkins is creating. In order to capture reunion photos and updates from all classmates at the reunion, we have decided to not complete and deliver the Memory Book until after the reunion. At the Main Event on Sat night Oct 9, we will be gathering input from attendees. We will mail a Memory Book, on CD, to all who attend the reunion and provide us with update info. We will make it easy to do at the Main Event. The cost of the Memory Book is included in the $99 price of the Main Event. We will also sell Memory Book CD’s to classmates who are unable to attend the reunion. Details to foll ow. In the meantime, if you can, pls send Wes a bio, blurb, photos. See details on the reunion web site ( ).
· Calling campaign – This campaign to call all our classmates is still on, but has slipped into August. Those of you who volunteered to make calls, thank you. We will be in touch in time to start making the calls the first week in Aug.
· Attendance. As of 7/20, 97 classmates have RSVP’d that they plan to attend (with spouses etc. total attendance tops 150!). Again, thanks. This helps us plan, and builds excitement. The response is greater than expected. If you have not RSVP’d, pls do.
· Missing Classmates - Thanks to you, we continue to make progress finding classmates: down to 75 missing (from over 150 when we started!). Pls keep the help coming til we find everybody.( )
· Transportation in an around Ridgewood – If the expense of renting a car is a major concern for you, our hope is that that many of you will team up with your friends/classmates who will have cars, and that classmates will step up to the need. We are arranging to have a taxi service on standby as needed, and hope to provide a reasonably priced van service to/from Newark Airport to the DoubleTree Hotel. We will let you know what we come up with.
That’s all for now. Keep in touch. Next update in mid-August.
RHS ’70 Reunion Committee:
Brian Corcoran
Irene Nagy
Rick Bowe
Website address:
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