The Oct 8-9 reunion is now 7 weeks away, and we are cranking. As we get closer, we will send more emails. Also keep checking what is new on the reunion web site (
· Tickets are now on sale! You can buy them with a credit card via the web site, or sending a check to Irene Nagy. Details on the “Purchase Tickets” page of the reunion site. Please purchase your ticket(s) ASAP. This enables us to plan, and ensures that you will have your custom name tag. Tickets to the Fri night Oct 8 event at the Elks Club will payable at the door. Cash bar. Price is still TBD, but will be modest.
· Make your hotel reservations: The Main Event (and the center of other activities) is at the DoubleTree Hotel, Route 17, Mahwah, NJ. We have reserved a block of rooms at a special $99 rate for Fri Oct 8 and Sat Oct 9. The $99 DoubleTree rate (and guaranteed availability) expires Sept 8. So act now(201) 529-5880). Another hotel option: Super 8. This hotel is right next to the DoubleTree. It is less fancy, and it is cheaper. We have reserved a block of rooms for Fri Oct 8 and Sat Oct 9, rate is $65 single, $75 double. Offer expires Sept 8 ((201) 512-0800).
· Attendance is strong. As of 8/16, 109 classmates have RSVP’d that they plan to attend (with spouses etc. total attendance tops 150!). Again, thanks. This helps us plan, and builds excitement. The response is greater than expected. If you have not RSVP’d, pls do.
· Committees: Sally Rodman heads the Hospitality Committee. Kathy Lauerman leads the Decorations Committee. Those of you who volunteered will be notified shortly. Thanks for volunteering. We will let you know if we need additional volunteers.
· Reunion Book: Wes Jenkins reports that he has received photos and/or update info from 241 classmates. Thanks for this. If you have not yet, pls send it to Wes
· We need a photographer – In addition to the digital cameras that most of us will bring to the reunion, we want an experienced photographer to take group and individual photos. If you are interested in taking photos on Friday and/or Sat nights, pls contact Irene Nagy ( Thanks.
· Calling campaign – This campaign to call all our classmates is still on, but has slipped (until we figured out some things). Those of you who volunteered to make calls, thank you. We will be in touch in time to start making the calls very soon..
· Reunion web site has been updated for:
1. Missing Classmates - Thanks to you, we continue to make progress finding classmates: down to 75 missing (from over 150 when we started!). Pls keep the help coming til we find everybody.( )
2. Classmates who have passed – Over the past six weeks we have added 3 more classmates: Donald Haring, Michalene Ryan, and Bruce Hillman. ( )
That’s all for now. Buy those tickets. Make hotel reservations.
RHS ’70 Reunion Committee:
Brian Corcoran
Irene Nagy
Rick Bowe
Website address:
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