Tuesday, July 04, 2006

The 4th Of July in Ridgewood

     This day's activities begin early with the parade through the downtown shopping area. The locals will place their chairs on the street on July 3rd to save the best spots along the parade route. They also will put up their American flags to remember the original reason for having a celebration on this day. Though I don't make it back to see the parade as often as I would like I do tend to stand in the same place by the train station in order to be in easy walking distance to the Smith Brothers Saloon. You see, the 4th of July is the only day of the year when drinking beer in the street is condoned, let along encouraged. It is a rebellious act I admit but one that brings everyone a good bit of satisfaction and reminds me ever so slightly of the courage our ancestors in the 18th century had to have possessed to even consider fighting the strongest nation in the world at that time. This day's festivities end with the fireworks show at Vets. This display has grown so popular in recent years that admission is charged and parking is at a premium near all the good viewing spots like the high school football field and the high ground overlooking the town, often referred to as "the View." I really can't put my finger on why people remember the 4th so fondly but I'll hazard a guess that it has something to do with the official beginning of summer and a lot less to do with drinking on the street while watching a parade or the detonation of fireworks. It has much more to do with the hopefulness that the beginning of summer usually suggests. There are the summer vacations to look forward, school is out, and right on schedule we develop amnesia as to how hot and sticky July and August can be. It helps to be an optimist in general but in particular at this time of year. This is before the succession of hot and sunny days makes us long for some cool autumn nights. It is before the promise of our vacation is vanquished, and long before we wish the children were back in school. It is the 4th of July and everything is good. Here's hoping you still can look forward to and enjoy these moments. I succumb to their lure every year and am never disappointed when I recollect them on cold winter nights. Happy 4th of July!

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