Thursday, March 23, 2017

A Tradition of Excellence


How do we create a community, endow it with resources, and have it possess a generosity of spirit worthy of our the RHS Tradition of Excellence?

I do not speak for the Ridgewood High School Alumni Association (RHSAA). I created the forum on FaceBook long before all the founders of the RHSAA did the hard work of creating it in a legal manner. Kudos to people, like Michael Winograd, who setup the bylaws of the 501(c)(3), and his wife Siobhan, who is the current Secretary of the Board of Officers.

My suggested goal for the RHSAA is to anticipate and acknowledge the lofty and noble efforts which RHS graduates are truly capable of leading, engaging in, and promoting.

My hope is that the leadership of the RHSAA will acknowledge on all forms of Social Media, and in a coordinated effort, that we are all very fortunate to have graduated from RHS. That we owe it to ourselves to support programs which promote citizenship, decency, and respect.

These sort of activities by the RHSAA leaders are promoted today in the Distinguished Alumni Program and the Alumni Arts Show, to give just two examples. I believe if alumni from all corners of America and abroad were more involved in this sort of activity it would one day be considered as a normal course of lifestyle for all alumni.

What’s more, I believe there is a raw energy and power which the RHSAA possesses and can use to set a moral tone for the RHS Community and everyone we have relationships with. We would praise humility and moral rigor, in the best sense of the Western tradition dating back to the ancient Greeks like Plato and forward to Scottish Idealists of the 19th century. This is not say we would be exclusive, we would include all civilizations and simply be advocates of character. We would aggressively use all facets of Social Media to courageously offer an honest view of the world to our alumni.

Be glad to hear your thoughts in this forum or via IM.


Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Save The Date: RHS 125th Anniversary

Save the date: 19 May 2017 between 7PM and 11PM at Veteran's Field.
Party is sponsored by the RHS Alumni Association

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Modern Life's Small Joys

Modern life and it's "aggressive haste" as the German philosopher and Nobel laureate Herman Hesse once wrote, often robs us of life's subtle niceties and opportunities for leisure. There is more and more entertainment in our world but much less enjoyment as we are spurred on by our never ending to-do lists and quest to accomplish everything faster. Can we all ponder this point, for a moment a two,  and consider the notion that "more can be less" and the fact it might get us off the treadmill of Life? Instead, let's focus more on our everyday contact with nature and the people in our lives. You will have a chance to accomplish this soon, as on July 22nd  we plan to reunite, renew old friendships, and talk about the Farrah haircut pictured below.

You will also be given an opportunity to sit near a little stream in Oakland, NJ and just listen. This might be to the stream itself, the words of old friends stirring up memories of days long gone, or to the power of music created by our All-Star band.

What our 40th Reunion will provide is small joys. To again quote Hesse:

"Seek out each day as many as possible of the small joys, and thriftily save up the larger, more demanding pleasures for holidays and appropriate hours. It is the small joys first of all that are granted us for recreation, for daily relief and disburdenment, not the great ones."

The day won't be all devoted to philosophic introspection. There will be numerous opportunities for belly laughs. The photo booth, with innumerable comic props, we are renting will give us all a chance to capture scenes digitally that we can laugh about for years to come.  

Other surprises will be announced soon!

Tuesday, March 07, 2017

Francis Xavier Nolan

He kept our town safe from fires for countless years. A current Fire Captain, Chris DuFlocq, offers a glowing tribute to the man who recommended him for his job:

"Besides being a wonderful husband to Helen and a terrific father to his family, 30 yrs ago this man (The Chief) made a life dream come true for me, and recommended me for a job at the Ridgewood Fire Department, RFD. I'm so grateful. Everyday I come to work appreciative for what he did for me."