Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Why a 40th Reunion? Part Two

Started off wanting to hype the idea of our 40th RHS Class Reunion but got side tracked. Luckily for me this led me to reading and thinking about the craft of writing itself. Here is what I've learned today. Some writing is original, some is inspired by others, and there is the kind you simply quote. This resembles life itself: you have some original ideas. some ideas you remembered spoken or written by others, and an idea or two you recall in its original form.

Sometimes when writing an author purloins an idea from someone else and reworks it in his or her own style. Sometimes they just take the idea and give no credit. It's more satisfying and honest to do it the first way because with age, wisdom and a new perspective you can show your insight into what someone else has written or said. You can understand them in ways you were previously unable to.

When you put your own thoughts down on paper, inspired by the work of someone else, you are at least silently acknowledging them for taking the time to transcribe what was on their mind. It would be great if your thanks could be transmitted to them but in many cases this is impossible. They are either from another era or too far away, and might not want to be bothered in any case. Writing like most art forms is done for its own sake, when it is done well. It reflects upon itself and offers up nuggets of advice and observations. The author simply has to get it down on paper before they forget or think too much about it and realize it's not the greatest thing ever written. No matter. Better that the words on placed out there for others to decide. Here is the quotable observation:

All we have is each other

And that's enough. It has to be.
It's all we've ever had.
The challenge is in realizing this and working with it, even when we're secretly hoping for something more, some external force.
You and me, kid, you and me and a few billion other folks.
We can treat each other as if it matters, because it does.  --Seth Godin.

Hang in there for news about the reunion. It won't be long now.

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