Saturday, July 20, 2013

Advertising in the Ridgewood Railroad Underpass

Nice article in The Ridgewood Patch about the proposed placement of advertisements in the railroad underpass. The funniest line was from the mayor who felt it might make the underpass look like a subway platform.
By the looks of this recent photo he has nothing to worry about as this looks worse than a subway platform.

It's been projected that the town might earn $65,000 annually from ads. This is not chump change and would facilitate much needed repairs like asbestos removal and water damage repairs.

I can remember that this underpass has always had a dank feel and mildewy smell. How will advertisements make it any worse? The Village might even create a new revenue stream. It's time to start thinking again and reminding ourselves that schools and Village services do not pay for themselves. Let's take the lesson of the Detroit bankruptcy to heart and realize that it could happen anywhere.